At NorthRidge Fellowship we are not focused on “religion” but a true, real, living, and growing relationship with Jesus Christ. AS one member said, “We are just real people, with real lives, serving a real Savior, who is really at work in our lives!”
We believe you will find our services to be worshipful as well as warm, friendly and down-to-earth.
Our worship service includes a nice blend of contemporary music as well as reverential hymns, all of which focus upon the God we are seeking to worship.
The sermons are all entirely biblically based and God centered, with relevant application for our lives. Our services are a time where you can worship God and get to know Him in a better way on a personal level.
Do I dress casual? Like I’m going to to work? Like I’m relaxing with friends? Like I’m going out for dinner? Well, the easy answer is “Yes!” We’re not so much concerned about your clothes as we are about your heart. Just come and focus on Jesus.
While our services are casual in nature, there is nothing casual about the wonderful God that we serve.
Worship in NorthRidge Fellowship reflects our desire to glorify God in all that we do!